Improved Oil Recovery

Has your brownfield nearly reached the end of its primary life? Recovery factors begin to plateau as your reservoir’s primary drive is depleted. Improved Oil Recovery (IOR) could be the answer. Already operating a mature waterflood with a high water cut? Our experts can help optimize your flood by identifying operation inefficiencies and unswept/bypassed oil.

Field Study – Will A Waterflood Work?

Let us determine if waterflooding can increase your oil recovery. For each candidate study, our professionals do a deep dive into the field history, the reservoir(s) properties, historic wellbore activity, and offset analog fields. If a reservoir is deemed a valid waterflood candidate, incremental reserves can be estimated by modeling pilot waterfloods and/or full development scenarios.

Waterflood Surveillance/Modeling

Existing waterfloods, whether newly implemented or fully mature, are in constant need of optimization. The reservoir is a dynamic system with pressure, fluids, and flow continually changing. Surveillance plays a vital role in the efficiency of a waterflood. Our team can work with your asset managers to educate them on waterflood surveillance, diagnosis, and identify optimization opportunities.

Our team’s expertise is in modeling mature waterfloods and determining if areas of unswept or bypassed oil exist. Whether using a complex finite model like Petrel or an agent-based model like Reservoir Grail, our team has the ability to help optimize your waterflood.


We will work with you to determine what surveillance and/or modeling options provide the most value.

As of May 2020:

57 Waterflood Studies Performed

96 MMBO Incremental Reserves Found